Miss Natasha EnquistElectro-Accordion Chanteuse

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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Opening for TMO recap/ Introducing The Great Giffoni!

Hey Kiddies,

This past weekend was intense, memorable, and most importantly... AMAZING!

My gypsy band and I opened, along with Blackberry Wood, for The Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra's CD release party. We had a blast at both the Biltmore Cabaret in Vancouver BC, and Sugar Night Club in Victoria BC.

I was pleased to see many of my Vancouver friends while at the Biltmore. Great to see Bruce Triggs and Rowan Lipkovits, of Accordion Noir Radio, as well as many members of Orkestar Slivovica, and Mezamazing.

Both Vancouver and Victoria's shows were sold out, a great success for all three bands. A big THANK YOU to The Tequila Mockingbird Orchestra and Blackberry Wood!

Also, a heartfelt thank you to Darren Stone for the great photography and videos taken at our shows :)


And now, Ladies and Gentlemen....THE GREAT GIFFONI!

...along with Princess Muffin, Chicken Extraordinaire.

I have mentioned to many people how I accompany The Great Giffoni, also known as "FANTASTICO!" for birthday parties of all ages.

His show is incredibly charming, full of surprises and very funny as well. It's great to see how his show fits in well for both children and adults, and allows parents to happily watch the show with their kids.

All will be entertained!

And then there's me, doing what I do.... I add suspense, and create a soundtrack to a fun show.

I love Princess Muffin, such a sweet, soft, easy going little hen.

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